If you have been on social media you have seen his face. His videos have garnered millions of views worldwide and his style (or lack thereof) is catching on. Honest and unassuming, his humor will catch you off guard and leave you laughing days later. Rodney Norman is more than an entertainer, he is an experience.
Winner of the Rhode Island Comedy Festival Featured in the Boston Comedy Festival
You can learn more about Rodney at RodneyNorman.com
Gift a one-time (or recurring) donation to 13 Questions Podcast: https://13questionspodcast.com/support/
Ceremonial Grade Cacao from Jonas Ketterle
Red Light Therapy from Mark Sloan
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Gratitude Jingle by Sir Felix
Closing Music by Supaman - Why
Website/logo design by blakeArt®: https://gaudetedevelopment.com/
Graham’s primary passions are podcasting, researching, and helping others. Obsessed with learning and self-improvement, Graham and Darren started The Grimerica Podcast in 2013. Their...
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