Latest Episodes

083 Indi Rajpal
“We are in this constant search for a miracle, to find an external source of light. The longer we search, the greater we separate...

082 Paul Unslaved
Paul's mission is a common sense, courteous approach to educating folks about common law, the legal system and how it all comes together and...

081 Guy Murray
Guy served in the UK military for 5 years, leaving in 2014. He is currently enrolled as an undergraduate student at the University of...

080 #SimulationAssumptionism® explained by blakeArt®
‘Art’s task is to Save the Soul of Mankind, and that anything less is a dithering while Rome burns. ...Because if the Artist, who...

079 Owen Hunt
Owen Hunt is a producer, comedian, author, improviser and student of the mysteries of the universe. He is a voice who inspires people to...

078 Amish Phil
Amish Phil - Father of two, podcaster and freelance tradesman. Main interests - Theology, esoterica, anthropology and ancient history. Shungite from Derek Condit:...