070 James Tiberius Cretched

July 20, 2021 02:09:27
070 James Tiberius Cretched
13 Questions podcast
070 James Tiberius Cretched

Jul 20 2021 | 02:09:27


Hosted By

William James Strutner

Show Notes

James Tiberius Cretched is co-host of Our Big Dumb Mouth podcast, a twice weekly show covering paranormal, UFOs, cryptids, conspiracies, and oddball news. Cretched lives in the rural eastern Midwest and is frankly, a bit of a jerk. He didn’t pay me very much to write this bio, so I’ll just type some things like he used to modify cars for demolition derbies, ran a camp for wayward kids in the San Juan Islands, and once stood at the next urinal over from Arnold Schwarzenegger. No, he didn’t peek, you weirdo. Listen to more of his lies, half-truths, and unfounded conspiracy theories (that simply haven’t been proven true yet) at https://www.ourbigdumbmouth.com/ 

Shungite from Derek Condit: https://mysticalware.ositracker.com/180504/11616  

Contact the podcast at [email protected]  

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Gratitude Jingle by Sir Felix


Closing Music by Supaman - Why


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