052 BillyBon3s

February 17, 2021 01:54:14
052 BillyBon3s
13 Questions podcast
052 BillyBon3s

Feb 17 2021 | 01:54:14


Hosted By

William James Strutner

Show Notes

I'm Billy Bon3s, a guy with a podcast, out to share thoughts and ideas to add to the conversation. I host the podcast "A Walk Through the Mind." 15 to 30 minutes where I take a thought and walk with it, trying to stay in the middle of the lane. I dabble in creating music as well, which can be found on SoundCloud. If you'd like a different take on a subject, or just that little bit of time to fill with something different, I would like to invite you to join me in the conversation.


You can find the podcast, link to sound cloud, Discord server at http://www.billybon3s.com


Social Media Contact:

Twitter: @BillyBon3s

Gab: @BillyBon3s

Mastodon/Fediverse: @[email protected]


Our Shungite: https://mysticalware.ositracker.com/180504/11616

Contact the show at [email protected] 

Support us at https://13questionspodcast.com/ 

Discord: https://discord.gg/Dwn6GHW 

Telegram: https://t.me/ThirteenQuestions

Gab: https://gab.com/13Questions 

Closing Music by Supaman - Why


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